
Cry in the Night

May 4, 2007

The silence and the darkness come hand in hand,

For many lengths of the passing sand.

Enshrouding all and everything, dead or alive,

Those peacefully sleeping and those striving to survive.

In the last part of that long and lonely time,

The Lord listens out for prayers from those that moan and whine.

My Lord, forgive me my sins, and keep me on the path steadfast,

Let me not return to that confusing, lonely,lost past.

Let me die in belief,a state of imaan.

Give me opportunities to repent, do what I can.

Do not let me in Jannaham, time and time again burn.

You surely are the creator and to You we will return.



  1. Salaam alaykum sis

    That is a truly beautiful poem, mashaa’Allah 🙂

    tc x
    May Allah be with u

  2. Sallam alaykum.

    Masha Allah, this is beautiful. 🙂
    Ameen Ya Rabb!

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